

Come further in.
Participate in a ministry that enriches your spiritual life. Call the leader for details of what the ministry does. Sure, you may end up texting. But isn’t it nice to start with a welcoming conversation.

Altar Servers. Please call the office, 732-295-3630.

Annulment ministry. Please call the office, 732-295-3630, or email

Choir (Traditional Choir, Contemporary Folk Choir, Children’s Choir). Please contact the Music office, 732-295-3630 x34 or email

Consolation ministry (helps make funeral arrangements). Please call the office, 732-295-3630 ext. 20 and leave a message for Annette.

Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion / Sacristans. Please email Diane,

PreCana. Please call the office, 732-295-3630 ext. 20 and leave a message for Ann Marie.

Religious Ed. Please call the office, 732-295-3630, x35, or email Georgina,

Lectors, Ushers, Homebound, Hospital Ministry also available – please call the main office 732-295-3630 for more information.